Hōkai Nuku | NZTA Partnership

Partnering with the New Zealand Transport Agency

Partnership with New Zealand Transport Agency

Hōkai Nuku was initially formed to collaborate on the NZTA project Ara Tūhono Pūhoi to Wellsford RONS. This collaboration has been formalised in a relationship agreement with NZTA. As a Crown Agency, NZTA work to achieve the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi; extend the opportunity for Māori to participate in decision-making; build Māori capacity to contribute to decision making; consult with Māori wherever possible on activities that are likely to affect them or their interests.

Hōkai Nuku and the  Transport Agency have agreed to work together based on the following principles:

a. Rangatiratanga – Hōkai Nuku reflects a commitment to collaboration on the Ara Tūhono – Pūhoi to Wellsford Project between the four Iwi and Hapū members as an exercise of their mana.

Hōkai Nuku  and the Transport Agency recognise and affirm that each Iwi and Hapū holds tino rangatiratanga (sovereignty) within their respective rohe (region), the right to self-determine their Iwi and Hapū development and responsibilities and that consultation with their wider membership may be required for this project;

b. Aroha atu, aroha mai – that Hōkai Nuku and the Transport Agency should enhance the mana (authority) of the Iwi and Hapū Members and seek to support the aspirations of each of the Iwi and Hapū, through the ethic and practice of reciprocity;

c. Mahi ngātahi – that Hōkai Nuku and the Transport Agency affirm the importance of partnership for this Project and further collaboration with other agencies on matters both related to and outside this Project;

d. Kotahitanga – Hōkai Nuku and the Transport Agency will strive to work together wherever possible to achieve consensus and agree on a position in order to promote unity and consistency;

e. Te Tiriti o Waitangi – Hōkai Nuku and the NZTA will conduct its relationships in accordance with the Treaty.


The relationship between the Transport Agency and Hōkai Nuku as Treaty partners has been formalised in a relationship agreement.