The Hōkai Nuku Team
Directors, advisors and managementManagement Team

Gena Moses-Te Kani
General Manager/Pou Tātaki
Ngāti Kuia, Rangitane, Muaūpoko
Ko Kurahaupo te Waka
Ko Tutumapou te Maunga
Ko Te Hoiere te Awa
Ko Te Hora te Marae
Ko Ngāti Kuia te Iwi Pakohe
Gena has worked for Hōkai Nuku since it formed in 2010, firstly as the Kaiwhakahaere and now as the Pou Tātaki. Gena leads the management team and is responsible for strategic relationships and the oversight of Hōkai Nuku activities. Gena has 30 years experience in community, hapū and iwi development in governance and management positions both at a national and regional level.
“I believe in being of service to our people, growing our leadership and working in collaboration with others (Iwi, central/local government, and community/business) to achieve outcomes for our people.”

Annie Ball
Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Rangi
Ko Tongariro te Maunga
Ko Taupo te Moana
Ko Waitetoko te Marae
Ko Ngāti Tūwharetoa te Iwi
Ko Te Arawa te Waka
Annie has been with Hōkai Nuku since 2019, starting as a kaitiaki in the field. She is now the Kaiārahi, and is responsible for the day to day management duties, supporting our Kaitiaki and general office administration. Annie has a background in earth science and anthropology, as well as administration.
The relationship between the Transport Agency and Hōkai Nuku as Treaty partners has been formalised in a relationship agreement.